I know you'll find this hard to believe dear reader but I'm a big fan of using Emacs to write JavaScript. One thing that irked me in the past is that none of the libraries got the indentation and other formatting how I wanted. Luckily, I recently stumbled onto js-beautify (via the most excellent jsFiddle.
Lo and behold, there is a command line interface to beautifying JavaScript! Good thing Emacs can call shell commands on text so easily. Thus, we have:
;;; js-beautify.el -- beautify some js code
(defgroup js-beautify nil
"Use jsbeautify to beautify some js"
:group 'editing)
(defcustom js-beautify-args "--jslint-happy --brace-style=end-expand
"Arguments to pass to jsbeautify script"
:type '(string)
:group 'js-beautify)
(defcustom js-beautify-path "~/projects/js-beautify/python/jsbeautifier.py"
"Path to jsbeautifier python file"
:type '(string)
:group 'js-beautify)
(defun js-beautify ()
"Beautify a region of javascript using the code from jsbeautify.org"
(let ((orig-point (point)))
(unless (mark)
(shell-command-on-region (point)
(concat "python "
" --stdin "
nil t)
(goto-char orig-point)))
(provide 'js-beautify)
;;; js-beautify.el ends here
I like it so much I have bound to M-t (for tidy) in a mode hook:
(local-set-key "\M-t" 'js-beautify)
If you want to follow any updates, I've put this snippet up as a Gist on GitHub so feel free to clone and send me any pull requests.