svn log is
a great command to see what's going on in your subversion repository.
Unfortunately, at my job we are using a really old version (1.1.4!), a
version so old that it doesn't support the --limit
argument. This
makes the svn log
painful to use as it outputs EVERYTHING.
Luckily, svn log
is so awesome that it overcomes this weakness and
allows you to use a date based criteria for listing log statements.
Unfortunately, the syntax is hard for me to remember. Thus, I wrote this
little shell script function that'll list activity for the given days in
the past. You can put it in your .bashrc
and run it like svnlog 14
That'll output logs from the last 14 days.
svnlog() {
svn log -r HEAD:{"`date -d "$OFFSET days ago" +%Y-%m-%d`"} $*